Car Engine Treatments

Diesel Fuel System Cleaner

You have been told many times that problems such as excessive smoke, increased fuel consumption and reduced performance are indicative of faulty or malfunctioning engine parts. What's more, the time and cost to replace these allegedly damaged parts is not high and unreasonable.

Car Engine Treatments

This economical solution employs a simple yet unique delivery mechanism that allows treatment within just 30 minutes * and without even opening the engine. However, the truth is that each of these problems can be the result of nothing more than your contamination. The engine's fuel system.

Rodent Repellant

Generally used rodent repellants like rat cakes, sprays, nets, etc., are ineffective against rodent attacks. These attacks result in extensive damage to engine components, cables and other parts. Rodent inflicted damage leads to breakdowns that are costly to repair and take time to resolve.

Car Engine Treatments

Protect critical engine components and cables

The Maxwell Sales Rodent Repellant Coating is a specially developed formulation which repels rodents from the engine bay and entry areas like the wheel arch. This ‘barrier’ coating prevents unexpected damage caused by rodents.